5 Things you should do to make this Ramadhan your best so far.

5 Things you should do to make this Ramadhan your best so far.

Unfortunately, Ramadhan has become a month of feasting not fasting.

As Ramadhan approaches many of us are thinking about what we will eat for iftar and shuoor. This is my first Ramadhan away from my parents and I know I will be missing my mum's signature chicken bhajiya/pakora.

However, we eat, we fill our bellies and this results in us being tired to pray Taraweeh.

Before you read the 5 things keep in mind, that the prophets (SAW) diet consisted of dates and water on a good day.

I am not saying we need to stop eating and enjoying our food. However, we can focus more time on ibadat by doing the following 5 things:

🌱 Reduce Waste: Opt for quality over quantity. Prepare fewer dishes and indulge in one main dish along with some fried treats, satisfying those cravings without overindulging.

🍲 High-Protein Diet: Use this month as an opportunity to nourish your body with a high-protein diet, promoting satiety and aiding in weight management.

🤝 Community Connection: Embrace the spirit of togetherness by engaging in communal prayers, iftar gatherings, and acts of service within your local community.

😌 Practice Patience: Cultivate patience and resilience, avoiding the pitfalls of irritability and hunger-induced mood swings. Let's strive to be sources of positivity and understanding for those around us.

📖 Recitation of the Quran: Dedicate time each day for Quranic recitation, allowing its profound verses to illuminate your spiritual journey and guide your actions.

With Ramadhan approaching, I also ask people to make dua for the people of Palestine and continue being their voices. Hopefully, we will see a free Palestine soon InshaAllah.

P.S Any other advice for Ramadhan for myself and others please comment below 👇
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