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We are really thankful toMostafa Abasslamathe creator of this app. It has so much detail and is extremly easy to use. You can scan your barcode and if that does not appear you can scan the ingredients. This will give you a full summary of all the ingredients what is Halal, Haram or Mushbooh.

Great Website For New Muslims Or Those Looking To Get Closer To The Quran

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Crypto is very complicated. If you want to understand it from an islamic perspective whilst also understanding the technology. This podcast is a must listen. By @Adnaanmenk

Tafsir & Hadith Podcast By @Adnaanmenk

Podcast For Huffadh

Really useful for those leading taraweeh prayer

All Hadiths From All Kitaabs With English & Arabic

Resources Created By Muslim Educators

Whatsapp message From Muslim Educators. We do not take credit for this as it is their hard work. We are simply sharing it to our audience. I put together Islamic activities for children in all subjects, and one of them was a treasure hunt for words in the Quran, I made a few series one of them was about feelings. This is link to all the activities that I have put together: This is the link to the 'word' treasure hunt in the Quran activity: This is the link for the word related to feelings treasure hunt in the Quran activity (at the end of this file): This is my facebook page about education from an Islamic persepective, I share all my work and lessons there: This is my telegram channel, I just started it and slowly adding all the lessons there (for sisters who don't have facebook):In English: Arabic: